There are ways you can avoid such embarrassing situations. You can subscribe for no cost cards. In the facts of the cards, it is essential to include unique Free Business Cards features like a fan page from the social media where people can get to share and like your page. Getting a cards for no cost should be a proof of how efficient your online industry is. The information you give should be a good reference to you by your clients.
There is no need of putting so much effort to get a no cost cards but all the facts in the cards are not functioning. There is no need to have an e mail or a phone number that can not be reached. This can really taint the image of your online Free Business Cards. One has to be very careful as you give your information for the no cost cards. You might fill in information that are wrong or expired. When a potential client tries to get to you he gets contradicting information. It does not mean that because you are getting a cards for no cost you should not take much care when filling in the facts.
Orignal From: Unique Free Business Cards features
very helpful post...for me especially when i design Plastic card.