Friday, July 27, 2012

Five Advantages of Online Brochure Printing

Single color jobs cost just a little bit less than full-color options. However at some local printers, there was a huge difference between the cost of four-color print jobs and one color of ink. Online printers, on the other hand, use a different technology.Clients are also encouraged to design their own templates. Online Brochure Printing sites offer convenience by receiving orders through e-mailed templates. And due to complicated technicalities to accomplish in a local printing press, this kind of technology provides clients efficient use of resources. It is a good thing that full color will be so much possible in just few clicks with an online printer. There are no other 'techie' stuffs which must be undertaken besides from simply designing a custom template and uploading the finished file.

Eco-Friendly Printing The company also supports and promotes what they call Green online printing service, an eco-friendly initiative in which more environmental measures are taken into all their printing services. is FSC-Certified (Forest Stewardship Council) and offers chlorine-free, 100% recycled paper for all of their prints. The inks they use are made from safe, low-VOC biodegradable soy-based inks. They also use Xerox iGen 3 and 4 digital press machines for their flyer printing and other services—a big ecological advantage as Xerox uses only dry inks that are non toxic, even when consumed by humans and animals.

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